

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

She was one of the reasons I moved here. My dad and my two cousins. Death is a really scary thing to most of us and Sheena was the shy, timid, and fearful type. The fact that she did the inevitable and knowing those things about her personality, makes death not so scary. If she can do it, it must not be that bad. I admire her strength. She is and always will be the reason I no longer fear the inevitable end.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

She was one of the reasons I moved here. My dad and my two cousins. Death is a really scary thing to most of us and Sheena was the shy, timid, and fearful type. The fact that she did the inevitable and knowing those things about her personality, makes death not so scary. If she can do it, it must not be that bad. I admire her strength. She is and always will be the reason I no longer fear the inevitable end.